May 28, 2011: "Is it REALLY the 28th?"

Did'nt get much sleep last night...wayyy too excited. A lot to do to prep for the big day! EEKKkk! I am so blessed to be marrying my best friend and man of God like Aaron. -Katie 🙂

May 27, 2011: "Rehearsal Day Fun"

Our rehearsal walk through started at 6 at the beautful Naylor Hall and then we immediatley walked over to my mom's cute Tea Room which was conveniently close by being a next door. haha. It was decorted sooo cute and the food was obviously da bomb! My mom provided the kitchen but Daddy Day (Aaron's Dad) did all the cooking! Delish! It was a fun pre-wedding excitment day. Finally, we ended the night by Aaron's groomsmen taking him out to see "Hangover 2" and my bridesmaids taking me out to see "Bridesmaids!" Perfect timing! ha! 1 DAY OOH YAA! -Katie

May 26, 2011: "Our Shower the day before Rehearsal Dinner"

So we dcided to have our wedding shower the day before the rehearsal dinner meaning we had an eventful 3 days!! WELL it was so much fun! My Aunt Ann had it at her house with the help of my beautimous cousins and Bridesmaids. It was the first time Aaron's mom and dad got to meet most of my family and love was definitley in the air! oh and we got some pretty sweet gifts! Thanks everyone! 🙂 -Katie

May 22, 2011: "This Time Next Week"

So a week from right now, I'll be married to a beautiful girl, hanging out in Destin, FL, and waking up the next morning to jump on a sweet cruise to the Caribbean. Right now I'm in Alabama. We are going to play for the Student Life Camp leaders tomorrow night. Now, we are also finished with the 33Miles tour. Katie spent the weekend with her cousins at her grandmas lake house. This week we have so many things to look forward to; our shower, family coming together, hanging out with my best friends, our awesome wedding and the wedding CAKE... I'm just super happy about what's to come. Thanks God for blessing us. -Aaron

May 17, 2011: "WOO HOO!"

We got our marriage license today!!!!!!! It's "almost" official! 😀 -Aaron and Katie

May 15, 2011: "Many meetings, much success"

Today we met with our venue and talked with our day of coordinator to go everything.. and it is all coming together! We're getting excited!! We also met with our DJ and he is da bomb! We have many neat ideas, fun games, and some good old school music to to surprise yall with.. so you don't wanna miss it!!!! -Aaron & Katie

May 8th, 2011: "Ready To Get Home"

We have played 5 shows this week, Wednesday-Sunday. I'm ready to get home. My parents just moved, I'm moving, Katie is moving, we are in the middle of tour, getting married in just a few weeks now, back and forth from Atlanta, to Vidalia, Valdosta, and Bainbridge (which pretty much covers the state of Georgia)... so I can officially say that I'm actually worn out on top of all my gear messing up this week as well haha. I try not to complain much about being busy, cause busy is good... but I'm ready to watch a movie and eat some Oreos or something. I get to see my Katie tomorrow which will finally bring this 5 day tour run to a great peaceful end. -Aaron

May 1st, 2011: "OUR MONTH<3"

Today it is May 1st, therefore it is officially OUR month to be!!!!!! ahhhhh =] 1 week of finals left for me and then I will be home to let the last minute planning fun begin! haha 28 days to go! -Katie

April 29th, 2011: "I'M OLD, But NOT REALLY..."

Hey errrbody! Well I am the big 22 today and have 10 minutes left of my last birthday as a Kocina. Ever. Next year on this joyous day I'll be a Mrs. Tomberlin... woah! Well actually I adore my last name so much I think I'll keep it and be Katie Kocina Tomberlin. Yup. I'll forever be a Kocina and forever be a Tomberlin! haha anywayyyyyy Today has been great! Woke up at 4 am to watch the Royal wedding with one of my bridesmaids. Did you know 1/3 of the world was watching it? crazy. I got a bit bored if you ask me, ha. But the best part of today is knowing how much my in-laws rock! Since Aaron is currently in Bloomington, Illinois on tour with 33 Miles and Johnny Diaz at the moment and couldn't be with me on my birthday this year, his sweet mom and dad came to Valdosta to treat me to some delicious dinner at MOM AND DAD'S.. Yumm! Chicken Parmesan + cheese cake = da bomb! I had a great time and I am blessed to have them in my life! I love you mama Sharon and Daddy Dan 🙂 -Katie

PS- 30 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!

April 26th, 2011: "About a Month Left, Still No Tuxes"

I'm getting up in the morning, well in a few hours, to go tux shopping once again. I haven't had a lot of time to shop around for good deals yet. I know MensWarehouse has a cool deal that if I rent 5 tuxes, I get a free suit. I'm going to ride to Thomasville, GA tomorrow and visit the store that my brother got his tux at. Btw, he is getting married 3 months after me. Full year this year. I'm gonna go with the black and dark silver... but I'm all about deals. The last few days, my fiancee and I have gone apartment shopping. After calling just about every real estate office within 10 miles, I think we found a place. We are only going to be there a year, then we will be moving again. But I have to say that the best part of my day today is when my new tube amp was delivered! 🙂 -Aaron

April 14th, 2011: "Busy Day Today"

Well I got a good few days off the 33Miles tour to get some stuff done! Today we looked at our tuxes- which mine is gonna be awesome, and groomsmen... well yours will be light blue to match the bridesmaids... well only the tie and vest, didn't mean to scare you, the tux is still black. We finally got all our invitations done- which we made ourselves! I'm pretty happy about that. Who can get wedding invitations done that look great for under $120? We can!!! Get the kit, use a printer, photo paper, scissors, etiquette, a few hours, some double sided tape and there you have it! Now we just have to send them out tomorrow. The big day is getting close! -Aaron

March 15th, 2011: "Yummmmmmm"

The best part about meeting with our cake lady: getting to try all the delicious options! Yum nom nom. We decided on our Bride and Groom's cake today and they are going to be da bomb! Very unique looking and very delish! Our cake lady, Mrs. Romona is awesome--highly recommend her. Ohhh Aarons excited to get to have a piece of his chocolate on chocolate on chocolate cake! He might not share any.... -Katie

February 24th, 2011: "Aaron's 26th!!!!"

My amazing, talented, sweet, hilarious, adorable, loving fiance celebrates his 26th year of birth today!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON TOMBERLIN!!!!! You are so loved!!!!! 😀 -Katie

February 13th, 2011: "Wedding Dress Success"

I found the perfect dress yesterday and officially purchased it today!!!!! It was the very first dress I put on too! Crazy! Of course I tried others on as well, but I believe it was fate from the start! I fell in deep LOVE and did not want to take it off!! haha. I would post pics, but somebodyyyyyyyy can't see it yet! 😉 -Katie

February 12th, 2011: "Katie Is Out Dress Shopping"

So today I'm in Atlanta with my fianceeeeeeeee, and I'm stilling around working on new website ideas while Katie, her mom, and her grandma are out shopping for a wedding dress at Bride Beautiful, or something like that. Yesterday I had the opportunity to look at the place we are getting married... and I really liked it! I'm looking forward to having our wedding there.... Where? You'll find out soon enough! By now, most of you guys should have your "Save The Date" postcards, and I expect all of them to be on your frig. haha. Thanks. Ok, back to work on the website stuff now... -Aaron

February 9th, 2011: "First Blog"

Hey!!!!!!! Today we sent out more "Save the Dates" postcards to all our friends and family. Let us know if we missed you! Our "Save the Date" costs... $0.00! Building this awesome website... $0.00! Aaron's savvy skills come in handy with our wedding expenses 😀 Right now we are sitting at Starbucks studying so I can ace my test's tomorrow! We have plenty of stuff to get accomplished this weekend for the wedding! -Katie