Our Story

So what's up with Denny's? On October, 9th 2008 at about 3:00AM, Aaron walked into Denny's for some late breakfast and saw this sweet looking girl Katie sitting by herself at the front booth studying. With her books spread out all across the table and plates of pancakes sitting on top of her books, Aaron asked Katie if she wanted to sit with him to eat. She said, "No, Thank you" because she didn't want to have to move all her books. So without hesitation Aaron got up from his booth to go sit with her. They had a great conversation that lasted about an hour. Obviously Aaron wanted to continue to talk to Katie. So with a little trick up his sleeve, he gave her his number and asked her to call anytime if she'd like to hang out. Katie said "sure" and took his number. Aaron then had to leave and Katie had to continue studying. So as Aaron got up to pay, Katie said she needed to go to the bathroom. As Katie was away in the bathroom, Aaron paid for his meal, along with hers, knowing that in just 20 minutes or so he would get a text message from Katie saying, "That was nice of you to buy my breakfast, you didn't have to do that." Smooth move Aaron! So now, Aaron has Katie's number too! And that was the first date.

From that first date, Aaron and Katie hung out almost every day and became the best of friends. With extreme love for God, their families, music, the outdoors, and silliness, they fell in love so easily. As you can see from the video they are perfect for each other and just two years and a few months after meeting at Denny's, they got engaged at Denny's on the 24th of January. With shock to the waitress at Denny's who said "Gettin' engaged at Denny's over breakfast and pancakes?" Yes, they met at Denny's and yes, they got engaged at Denny's, but no-- they are not getting married at Denny's. Sorry Denny's. They have chosen to get married at Katie's home town in Roswell, GA on May 28th 2011.