Wedding Info

EVENT: Aaron & Katie's Wedding
WEDDING DATE: May 28th, 2011

TIME & VENUE: Venue opens at 5:00PM. The ceremony will begin at 7:00PM. The address is on your invitations. If you need additional help with directions, please call one of us or contact us by email at the bottom of this site.
HOTELS: Atlanta is very busy during Memorial Day weekend. Most all the hotels that we have called are close to being full to where we are not able to reserve large numbers of rooms. Therefore, please call around the Atlanta (Roswell) area to find your own hotels if you need one. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks so much for understanding!

RSVP Online

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Email Address (required)

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Will you be attending our wedding?
 Yes No

Did you receive your invitation online or by mail?
 Mail Online

How many will be attending in your party?

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